Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon!

This weekend I went to see New Moon (please don't judge me) and I have been thinking about how much of an impact it has had on culture. I went shopping today and not only were there life-sized cardboard cutouts of Edward Cullen and Jacob staring at me as I left the dressing room, but there were t-shirts in various colors all having to do with New Moon. Some said "Team Jacob" and others said "Team Edward". It is crazy that this movie has made such an impact on our culture. It is being talked about by everyone and there are countless products being produced to promote the movie. I think it is interesting that the movie was first a book because its popularity really seemed to flourish when it became a movie. I think this says something about our culture. Media plays a huge role in our society. I was talking about the movie after I saw it with Keara and Anna, and I thought it was interesting how we all had different takes on the movie and the book. Anna and I didn't read the books, whereas Keara had. We were discussing whether or not we preferred watching a movie about a book or just reading the book. We all had different opinions about this topic, but I came to the conclusion that many people prefer a more condensed version of and thus a movie is a perfect way to receive that. The Twilight books seem to be much more detailed and long, whereas the movie is much more condensed. I am torn because although I love to read with detail in order to visualize what is going on, but a movie is much more convenient and almost does the work for you. Are people, like me, just getting lazy? I almost felt guilty after the movie that I hadn't read the books and I plan to at least try and get through them in order to understand what the movie missed. Again, I think it is out of a bit of laziness and convenience that I preferred the movie. Not to mention the extremely attractive actors that make the movie even better!

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't dream of judging you for seeing New Moon! :) It is crazy though with all of the different "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" shirts that they have, and even more crazier that massive amounts of people are buying it. What do you think it is that make some book series a huge phenomenon while others not?
    And especially with the Twilight series, I would have to say that you have to read the book! Especially with the first movie! There was so much explanation in the first book that the movie did not completely cover! :)
