Sunday, September 27, 2009

National Mall

Wednesday's trip to the monuments was a lot of fun because I really love the National Mall. The only problem for me was that the sun was way too hot! I was partnered with Anna which went well. Anna and I sort of joined with Molly and Linda for most of the ethnography.

Something that we spent some time discussing was the question of why they picked Lincoln and Washington for the memorials. We discussed this for a while and came to the conclusion that Washington, you could say, started the country whereas Lincoln stabilised it.

To me, the entire National Mall is magnificent. I am not American, yet the Mall still causes me to become emotional sometimes. I love the quotes of the famous people along the walls and the ground. They all sound so intelligent. It's like how Katie told my group that her favourite part is the Martin Luther King quote in the ground near to the Lincoln Memorial. She said she would stand up and just stare at it for some time before moving on. The quotes definitely create a sense of identity I suppose, as they single out specific people who were instrumental in the history of USA.

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