Sunday, October 25, 2009

President Kerwin

I really enjoyed having President Kerwin in class on Friday. I was a lot different than what I had expected it to be like. I thought that he would've focussed solely on the Strategic Plan, but he seemed to speak more on his personal life. I loved all his stories from his college life onwards...they made the listening a lot easier for me.
One thing that stood out for me was how sure he was about his life's choices. I remember him making a statement that he doesn't regret anything in his life. He seems totally content with his job and family. I admire him for this and I guess in a way I am jealous of him. I hope to one day achieve that sense of satisfaction as I get older. I know too many people who become unhappy with their lives and begin to regret choices they made.
Overall what impacted me most was this sense of contentment and satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was also great that President Kerwin spoke more about his personal life than the AU Strategic Plan. I had expected him to spend the entire class talking about the plan, I probably would have been really bored frankly. It was very interesting that he focused on his life, instead of listing the things in the Strategic Plan. But I also thought it was interesting that when he was asked about the plan that he did not seem too interested.
