Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflection: Why yes, I do love college, thanks for asking!

Thinking on identity and putting up fronts, as always, coming home for my home's homecoming (haha, that sounds funny!) was really interesting. The new freshmen, trying to act all grown up now that they're in the high school; the new seniors, pretending they're so ready for college when they haven't even finished their applications; and then me and my friends, the newly graduated, who have to make sure they look well-put-together so that people can tell that we're happy and healthy.

I walked down the road with my best friend, stopping to hug basically anyone and everyone we knew, each time the same question being asked, "How do you like college?!" We would say we loved it, that we were having a great time, that classes were incredible, and that no, we weren't homesick. While perhaps most of that may have been true for me, it wasn't for my friend. And as we walked away she said to me "I love telling people how much I love college. It's so much easier than explaining why it sucks."

And honestly, how many random people really want you to come home only to hear how miserable you are? They don't, because it's a downer, and frankly it's also none of their business. It's said out of politeness, to show that you recognize someone's situation, but you're not really concerned about their well-being.

It leads itself to the question, Is it considered putting up a front if the person asking how you are, isn't really all that interested in your honest answer?

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